Same Old Same Old, But Has Impact
21 February 2023
If you do not have a family - make your own. That is the main true message of the movie. Though there is more inspiration if you're in for that. It's a good character study movie as well. A decent army/marine experience movie too. The depression and apathy is rampant too, with small pockets of Light that keep shining through. This movie is a tough drama with hardships about a character that had the will and strength to persevere.

Even though this is a movie about a gay man trying out to be a marine, it doesn't really give the backstory of why or how he became homeless unless it was purely because he was gay. There wasn't enough racism in this movie which is shocking to me because it was made in the most racist country to ever exist and also most politically brainwashing too (which was lacking too). So I found myself enjoying it very much in the sense of all the propaganda was out of the picture (except for army theme ofc). So it's incredibly refreshing.

The most ironic part is the name of the creator of the movie (because it's based upon him) and the fact that his mother is the cause of him being this way. You might wonder why? Well it's explained in the movie (indirectly).

Recommendation: Watch if you want a strong drama with great ambiance and overall inspiring story about a guy who went through a lot and put himself through additional hell to prove it to himself that he will make out of it all.
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