Not a stellar addition to her filmography
22 February 2023
Christine Angot's novel Un tournant de la vie is filmed as Avec amour et acharnement and the results are mixed. I have been a fan of Claire Denis' work since Chocolat; she has always struck me as someone who has her finger on society's pulse better than most directors do. I wonder if her purpose here was to do a remake of Jules et Jim--certainly that's the feeling I'm left with as I watch Binoche fighting with Lindon as he tries to make her admit that she kissed Colin at the reception. The skill of these three actors is so evident, but so is the thinness of the script. Why show Binoche at the radio station interviewing the footballer Lilian Thuram talking about racism, it adds nothing to the story. Lindon's past as a rugby player and his prison sentence are only alluded to, surely they need further development. Gregoire Colin has made six films with Denis and fits in with her plan so well but I wish his part had been bigger. See this one if you are a Denis completist.
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