A Hearty, Sentimental Look at the Best Stuff of the Jesus Movement
26 February 2023
This is a great movie; I enjoyed it very much.

Being a movie nut and all, I have to say that that the production quality was top notch. I saw no glaring continuity problems, the camera work was well done and the "designs" were fabulous (costume, scene, etc.). I also think the script was terrific. As one other reviewer noted, the scripts and acting in some "Christian" films showing at regular cinemas in recent years has been a bit rough. Not in this movie; it's all great.

I was there. In the years 1971 to about 1973, I sat in the front pew (if there were space for me) in that church in Riverside, CA (aka All Saint's Episcopal Church) within 20 feet of Greg Laurie (sometimes being amazing at the length of his beard). I had some of those tracts he designed and I listened to Love Song and many of the other popular bands of the day. I went down with a bunch of kids from the Redlands/Yucaipa of So. CA; we went to our own church services, at various churches, in the morning then we would jump in several cars (yes, one was a VW van) and drive to Riverside for the evening service at All Saint's Episcopal Church with Greg (and the bands, of course). The song book we used (illustrated by Greg), the tracts, the cassette and 8-track tapes for sale, were all Calvary Chapel and Maranatha! Branded. It was a heady time and deserves a place in American religious history.

I thought all of the acting was great. I especially loved Kelsey Grammar in the role of Chuck Smith. When, I heard he was going to play Chuck, I let out a loud YES! Of approval. He was an excellent choice. I simply thought that, yes, he could do it. He could pull off Chuck Smith.

As the movie began with a very accurate presentation of the time, I expected the movie to continue that way so I was disappointed at parts in the middle and end that seemed to take "artistic" license with some of the events, people and locations.

The movie avoided some tough stuff; which was probably the right thing to do, maybe leaving it for a future movie or book. I'll avoid specifics not to spoil things for those who have not yet seen the movie but trust me, there was some tough stuff to the movement too.

I loved this movie. It took me back. And it adds to the record and the significance of the Jesus Movement in American religious history.
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