The Silencers (1996)
Action-packed, Well Scripted Entertaining Sci-fi B-movie Thriller
1 March 2023
PM Entertainment did it again by delivering another action-packed Sci-fi Thriller starring the Awesome JACK SCALIA!!!

B movie action star Jack Scalia made an excellent Trilogy of Action Sci-fi Thriller's including: T-Force, The Silencers & Dark Breed, all three are Awesome.

I've become a Scalia fan since watching these three kick-ass films.

It's nice to see that Jack Scalia was also a producer on all three of his Sci-fi films which tells me he liked what he was making & it wasn't just an easy paycheck.

I love B movies & i love PM Entertainment's films & along with the cult classic ZERO TOLERANCE with Robert Patrick, these Jack Scalia films are up there as some of the best.

Jack Scalia is perfect as tough government agent Rafferty that gets partnered up with an Alien peace-keeper warrior sent from deep out there in the Galaxy far, far away & is here on Earth in Los Angeles to stop a terrorist group of evil Extraterrestrials. The setup is so beautifully 90's with some cheese & plenty of explosive action. There's a feel of The X-Files & Men In Black & Alien Nation with a little They Live mixed in to make an impressive piece of sci-fi action. The Silencers is better than most mega budget movies so yeah this is a real gem just like Dark Breed & T-Force.

For a low-budget movie it's fantastic what they pulled off. The movie moves at a decent pace with a few stops for human moments & back to explosive action again. I like how the MIB here are actually evil Aliens that turn up after any Close Encounters & threaten those that witnessed it, these aren't nice guys like Agents Jay & Kay.

The Good Alien peace-keeper named Comdor, is a very likable character played by Dennis Christopher who done a great job of displaying a good-hearted Alien warrior that only wants peace throughout the Galaxy. The peaceful Alien warrior & hard-ass government agent team up worked so well with a Buddy-cop feel. In T-Force Jack Scalia was partnered with a Robot & now he's partnered with an Alien, i think Jack liked that fun scenario & it worked. Our two mismatched heroes are up against a bunch of Alien terrorists that have built a gateway portal type thing from our world to there's accross the Galaxy & are planning on taking over Earth when their Army comes through. There's plenty of witty banter & fun moments scattered throughout with our two heroes & a few deeper character moments that show the script had heart as well as Action.

The film was directed by Richard Pepin again, he also made Dark Breed & T-Force with Jack Scalia & seemed to work perfectly together.

I totally enjoyed this blast of witty & fun sci-fi action.
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