A Dickens of a Holiday! (2021 TV Movie)
Christmas delight
6 March 2023
Really loved the premise for 'A Dickens of a Holiday', with it being one of the most interesting and most refreshing-sounding ones of the 2021 Christmas Hallmark films. Have seen a lot of other work from both Brooke D'Orsay and Kristoffer Polaha, and have a generally high opinion of both (very easy to see why Polaha particularly is a Hallmark favourite). Anything that involves 'A Christmas Carol', an all time favourite, is immediately worth going onto my watch and review list.

'A Dickens of a Holiday' was one of the 2021 Christmas Hallmark films to be every bit as good and appetising as its premise and perhaps even better. There were some very good Christmas films from Hallmark that year, and 'A Dickens of a Holiday' is not just one of them but also one of the best and most refreshing of them. Also one of the best 2021 Hallmark films in general, the standard that year was very hit and miss (not unexpected, all the previous years for Hallmark were as well) but could have been a lot worse when it is a miracle that any films were made at all.

Sure, it is not going to win points for originality, with the conflict and ending indeed being predictable. The former being a bit on the forced and rushed side and the latter (as is often the case with Hallmark) too pat with the problems being resolved too easily and cheesily.

Everything else is without issue. D'Orsay and Polaha both bring their A game and charmingly play characters that play to their strengths really well. Their characters are also very easy to like and connect with without being too perfect. Their chemistry has enormous wit and heart, some of the best of any 2021 Hallmark film because it felt realistic and true to life rather than too hostile or too low key. The supporting cast support them very well in roles that come over as a lot more than just typical Hallmark cliches.

Furthermore, 'A Dickens of a Holiday' is attractively made and doesn't look drab or garish or like it was made in a hurry. Low budget and rushed production are not obvious. The music is very pleasant on its own while fitting within the film harmoniously. The script never sounds awkward and any cheese or schmaltz does not ever in any way go overboard, it has a nice light hearted wit while also being honest and mature too. The story may lack originality, but more than makes up for it with bucketloads of warmth, charm and heart.

The relationships are also fleshed out sincerely and with more depth than what is often seen with Hallmark. It did remind me in execution of another 2021 Christmas Hallmark film regarding mature handling of character relationships, 'A Very Merry Bridesmaid', except it is a lot more light-hearted and doesn't take itself as seriously. The pacing has more zip while also being gentle at times.

Overall, very well done. 8/10.
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