Hogwarts Legacy (2023 Video Game)
Hogwarts in a video game
7 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So i need to say that i really enjoyed the video game and whatever we can say about the quality of the game and each people's preferences or hate about that game we need to admit that the hogwarts castle and hogsmeade are really well made: we feel like we are in the hogwarts castle and we live our adventures: just for that im really happy to play that game and i was really curious to collect all the objects that we can and didnt annoyed me at all. And what i found wonderful its that hogwarts reveal to have some secrets that you will need to resolved to find treasures, secrets, informations. And the castle really feel like a character and let us know that its kind of alive with all the boards, the stairs who is moving.... i mean all you saw in the movie or in the book are well represented here and thats a great and huge thing to see hogwarts like this. Just for that i think it really worth it but thats not all

I need also to see that the RPG genre was a good idea ( the equipments, the books, the potions, the creatures, the experience points)just that make us want to explore the whole caste because we know that we will be rewarded. The game is long. I have 35 hours now in the game and im 65% and im still enjoying the game and didnt feel bored at all. The spells just make us want to unlocked each of them and used it in the whole caste and unlocked some hidden secrets, passages. The game is very generous in content. We cant say the opposite. The map is pretty big and have a lot of to do inside.

But what really annoyed me sometimes its that game can be pretty repetitive sometimes. The side quest feel like an excuse to make points, experiences, the whole structure is pretty the same the whole game. Nothing really surprising and we can feel after 20 hours that the game become pretty repetitive. We have the main quest that can keep us entertained but i need to say also the writing dont really make an honour to the Harry Potter movies or books: the dialogues are pretty superficial or just feel like an excuse to make things going. Of course we want to beat the new vilain and Rockwood but they mostly missing during the whole game; we see them briefly during some cut scenes but thats all: we dont really feel the danger or the emergency trough the vilains and the game lack of philosophy in the game(the power of love, family, the seek of power.) I mean that the writing feel a lack of imagination sometimes and even if they invented some stuff to make us see new things. The quality of the writing (dialogue, story) is not the same and feel a little bit more superficial and sometimes i just prefered to do some side quests instead

Some side quests are the same things and can be pretty repetitive too. What i found really good is that they did some same sequences as the movie like the lessons and they really respected the Harry Potter world in some situations and i really appreciated it.

The gameplay is really deep: we have a lot of spells that we will need to remember. The exploration is pretty good even if the revelio spell can waste it and make something more easier.

The characters that we will met are great but pretty superficial in my opinion and the choices that we make dont seem to have a huge impact in the final consequences. The world dont feel empty and we can see a lot of ghosts, merchants, students, teachers talk during we explore the castle or the environnments.

In conclusion, even if i still can talk hours about this game because a lot of things are here but i will say that if you are a fan of Hogwarts universe you will love it anyway despite some writing and characters who feel a little bit more superficial and just feel like an excuse to make us see some stuff or to unlock some new gameplay mechanics. The game is huge and its pretty long but i will say that the game let you play the way you want to play: you can spend your time to explore, to do the side quests. But what i found annoying its that slme regions of the map are blocked and some passages will need that you make the main quest to unlock: that break a little bit the immersion of the universe but its really minor and will not ruin your experience at all. I love also the riddles and the different things that will make you think in the game. I mean go for it. I think you will not be disappointed if you are fan of the universe even if the game have some defaults i found it pretty great and give some magical moments like the movies or the books even if we feel thar our main character is pretty superficial and his story will not really interest us because it will be less personal and be less the center of the attention. A great game anyway who in my opinion succeed to give us a Harry Potter game who dont need to be ashamed by his intentions.

Just need to edit this a little bit because i just finished the main adventure and im pretty diswppointed about how it end. The death of Figg, the fact that the end was just a tribute to Figg and nothing more . Its definitely a game in the story will never reach the same level of the Harry Potter's books . I mean is not that deep and the characters clearly lack of depth and complexities and it could be better but it was ok and do the job but still disappointed.
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