A very poor man's iteration of The Butterfly Effect/Cloverfield
7 March 2023
Whilst The Butterfly Effect isn't the greatest film it is leaps beyond this ridiculous effort. It's insulting to watch a 'found footage film' that have the quality combination of a Arri or Red with Leica APO-Telit-R lens mounted to a Russian Arm & sound that somehow is a wirless Telefunken lavalier.

Moreover the acting is poor. The premise is tired. The first half is unnecessary. The direction is via a book of, "direct by numbers"...just watch The Butterfly Effect - even if you've already seen it. Project Almanac is the worst film but it really isn't worth wasting time on.

I rarely gift lower than 5 stars. For some reason people hand out 1 or 2 star ratings willy-nilly. That's ridiculous. You have to see 5 stars as 1 star and work from there. Most films are above 6 stars. 6 stars is a low rating. 7 = watchable. 6 = tolerable. 5 = should have accidentally been better. 4 = there's no excuse for it's existence - it shouldn't have been green lit let alone released. 3 stars or less is something you'd rate as a form of protest - for instance you'd give "Triumph des Willen" 1 star because it's a famous Nazi propaganda film.

The following is personal advice. Please prevent yourself from using lower than 5 stars. Most films via craft and effort alone deserve 5 stars. And if a film truly blows you away and has done for years then it deserves 10 stars (it's a classic. Don't rate a film classic just because that's the going consensus. If you thought The Godfather was pretty good but nowhere near as entertaining as Back to the Future then give The Godfather an 8 or 9, don't gift it classic status because that's what's expected).

Of course you're free do to as you please but I feel the scoring system is far too loose and therefore very much ineffective. I love The Godfather but do most really feel it's better/more entertaining/more memorable/more impactful/more influential etc than Raiders, Aliens, The Thing, Back to the Future, Private Ryan, The Shining, Carlito's Way, Jaws, The Matrix, Withnail & I, Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Se7en, Funny Games, Fight Club, Casino, Cape Fear, Schindler's List etc? Because its ranked higher. For the overwhelming majority of viewers, it is not - most haven't seen The Godfather let alone care to watch it yet it's ranked so high because they feel they must rank it high, a lot like a combination of how folk are more likely to follow an account on Instagram purely because it has a lot of followers even though the content is poor and the followers were paid for and/or Winston Churchill is loved when next to known knows his history beyond a few trademarks during World War II (and that it's the going consensus to blindly treat him as a hero). I hope that makes sense.

Ghostbusters 2016 = 6 stars (equivalent of 2/5 stars) Ghostbusters 1984 = 10 stars (equivalent of 5/5 stars)

Back to the Future/Terminator/T2 = 10 Stars The Butterfly Effect = 8 stars Project Almanac = 6 stars.
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