Review of Beneath

Beneath (V) (2013)
Let down by a weak script
11 March 2023
The movie start with a scene in a bar where the female lead says she is going to go down in the coal mine to show the guys that she can totally do what they can do. She does indeed go down into the mine because she wouldn't be part of the movie otherwise. A couple of guys working a digger break into some sort of tunnel. Almost immediately afterwards, there is a collapse and they are all trapped. It's unclear whether this is just a coincidence or whether the two events are related. Trapped and with the air going bad, they go to a rescue shelter to wait it until until help arrives. Of course, that's not how it plays out because that would make for a really boring movie. The two men who were working the digger are missing. Spooky stuff starts happening. Et cetera.

This movie does have some thing going for it. The female lead is not the best but the supporting cast is good. The underground environment is believable and suitably claustrophobic. The make-up effects are pretty good. What lets this movie down is the script. I get keeping the audience in the dark at first to build suspense but this movie keeps the audience in the dark for the whole movie. The female lead starts seeing things almost right away but doesn't bother to mention this tidbit to anyone. We never really find out why either. We never really find out why anything is happening or how much of this even is happening. There's a lame stinger ending that just made me roll my eyes. There are some good elements but they don't even come together in to anything.
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