Review of Supercell

Supercell (2023)
Ho hum.
19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One of the only reasons to write a review of this film at all is to note that, according to IMDb, this is Anne Heche's last released feature. For me, she brought a realism to her role as a mother to Will, a teenaged boy whose father was killed in a tornadic storm ten years previously to the main story -- we find this out in the first ten minutes of the film, so this is not really a spoiler. She and her husband were storm chasers who apparently, became reckless after doing it for a number of years and Will's father's death was the result. Now, she is very protective of her only son and doesn't want him following in his father's footsteps. Of course, if he doesn't, we really don't have much of a movie.

Daniel Diemer plays Will, the son, and is good in the role, although probably because of the seriousness of his character, comes off as a little "one note" throughout. I hadn't seen him in anything before, and almost called him "newcomer," but he's apparently been around in the acting world since 2016, so he's not really inexperienced. Skeet Ulrich gave a fine performance in his role as a former partner of Will's dad in the storm chasing business. Alec Baldwin played what he seems to always be playing these days, a gruff, know-it-all, who is set up throughout the script for the comeuppance. Jordan Kristine Seamón as Will's sort-of love interest, should probably have been given more to do. She was good in the portions of the film she was in, but her character seemed like an afterthought, like maybe she wasn't in the original draft of the screenplay.

All in all, not a bad film necessarily, but sort of dull considering the subject matter. It didn't have the energy of "Twister," but seemed to be the film it was emulating. Low budget or not, if the story isn't compelling enough, it's not going to work. "Supercell" is watchable., I mean it's not bad like Asylum-level filmmaking or the Sci-Fi Channel, but I'm not wholeheartedly recommending it. It's a good film to stream on a Saturday afternoon when the weather is bad, and you aren't going to do anything else.
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