Better Than Expected
21 March 2023
Children Of The Corn (20) is the third movie in the series to bare that title and surprisingly isn't as bad as i thought it would be going in.

Most of the good work is down to the performance of Kate Moyer as Eden. Eden is the first cult leader since Isaac to give off a creepy vibe while also convincing as a menacing presence.

All the beats of a typical COTC film are here and that is sadly where the movie fails. Every corn movie feels the need to show some pathetic CGI creature towards the end and here is no different. He Who Walks is ridiculous and would be better served not shown at all and simply left to the imagination.

The real kicker for the movie is the last couple of minutes. It appears out of nowhere and is just a redundant jump scare (if you could even call it a jump scare) and even more bad special effects.

COTC Rankings: A very bad series with few highlights.

1. Children Of The Corn (84) 2. COTC II: Final Sacrifice 3. COTC IV: The Gathering 4. COTC III: Urban Harvest 5. Children Of The Corn (20) 6. COTC V: Fields Of Terror 7. COTC: Genesis 8. COTC 666: Isaac's Return 9. Children Of The Corn 10. COTC: Runaway 11. COTC: Revelation.
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