Terror! Technicolor! Taxidermy!
25 March 2023
I expected this flick to be a real trash pic based on the average rating here and the incredibly stupid English version of the title (which is absolutely not a literal translation of the Italian) BUT I vizi morbosi di una governante is a stylish, atmospheric thriller that is almost entirely made of fun and splashy color.

Three young women who look to have a median age of 19 and dress like exotic dancers from the 1990s (or did exotic dancers from the 1990s dress like Italian women from 1977?) return from a trip to Asia with three men who are way too old for them, two of whom quickly show their hand as being stereotypical bad guys teenaged girls would run into at a hostel.

This giallo is a real treat to watch and I wish I could rate it even higher, but I didn't find the mystery especially compelling, though it was extremely well-executed.
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