1 Corinthians 13:11
28 March 2023
Clifford David, an executive at Eddie Albert's company, comes to London to look for Albert's daughter, to whom he is sort of engaged. He tracks her as fr as her friends, what he thinks of as hippies led by Oliver Reed, but she has vanished. As his disinterested association with them grows, he comes to fall in love with one of the girls, but the subject of his quest remains out of sight.

There's something unsatisfying about the pacing of this movie, and it may be linked to the fact that it was unreleased for a time, then cut to placate the censors. The producers, Jack Hawkins, Peter O'Toole, and Anthony Perry had their names removed from the credits in protest, as did director Guy Hamilton. Given the purported references to necrophilia in the uncensored version, it is unclear to me. The serious themes of delayed adolescence and the need of adults to make their own ways remains very clear, although Reed's performance seems pompous in the version that remains.
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