V-Day, the Steckler Way!
15 April 2023
Easily besting even MAD LOVE LIFE OF A HOT VAMPIRE as the weirdest Ray Dennis Steckler porn I've seen, LOVE LIFE OF HITLER'S NAZIS (which bears the onscreen title "Secret Sex Lives of Hitler's Nazis") is madcap anti-porn, seemingly designed as an afront to its audience.

It's bizarre to say, but the kind of looseness on display here feels most redolent of "just goofin'" Steckler shorts like GOOF ON THE LOOSE and THE LEMON GROVE KIDS. Shot in just a few rooms that supposedly constitute a secret Nazi bunker, LOVE LIFE devotes long stretches to a group of people cavorting on a bed, wearing Nazi armbands and with swastikas drawn in Sharpie on their backs and arms. In between, an occasional scene pops up of characters ranting and raving about their fear of "Nazibuster," a kind of quasi-superheroine who is apparently uniquely adept at taking down members of the Third Reich. Of course, it's Steckler's poor beleaguered muse Carolyn Brant, once again pressed into duty for another of his XXX outings and hiding behind a mask in a fruitless attempt to preserve her dignity.

Film delivers a solid amount of the requisite sex, with an unusually attractive cast for a Ray film. Nevertheless, these erotic scenes are anything but - most of the men struggle to maintain an erection, there are no ejaculations, and Jason Wayne, better known as the perpetually shirtless Daniel from BLOOD SHACK, spends the whole time insanely mugging! Simultaneously the worst and best performance I've ever seen, Wayne spends the entire film ranting in a supposed "German" accent that runs the gamut from American Southwest to Planet Zoot. Even when other characters are speaking, he stands in the background making faces - the guy even manages to upstage Hitler!

Uniquely disastrous even by Ray standards, LOVE LIFE is an unequivocal failure as porn, and more generally as an actual film. Its main redeeming quality is that it's so unescapably, incessantly weird you can't take your eyes off it, even when it's boring you to tears. There's truly nothing like it (except, presumably, its companion film, NAZI BROTHEL). I felt like I was having a brain aneurysm watching. I guess that's a compliment?
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