Best watched whilst drunk!
15 April 2023
Country and Western singer Doug Martin (Chuck Scott) grabs his "gittar" and flies down to South Carolina from New York on a journey of musical inspiration but ends up getting caught up with thieving hicks, illegal moonshine production and a sheriff who is only too happy to exploit his position, even to the point of murdering innocent people. I had never heard of this movie before, it was an extra on my blu-ray of "Two Thousand Maniacs", both directed by the Godfather of Gore, Herschel Gordon Lewis. Moonshine is not a horror film, though a couple of mutilated corpses are seen, it is what is often termed a "hicksploitation" movie. The very low budget is obvious, the acting is terrible, etc. Sadly the original negative is lost so the version that I have is pieced together from various prints, the quality at times being very poor. Doug is as dull as dishwater but some of the hicks are entertaining. There are several musical numbers throughout, I enjoyed these but the 84 minutes running time proved hard going, it felt longer. I could only recommend this to die hard fans of either HG Lewis or hixploitation completests. . The credits read "produced & directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis who ought to know better but don't", you have been warned!
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