Le mutant (1978– )
gloomy slice of 1970's science fiction
18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A woman is kidnapped and forced to tell her captors about her collaboration with one Professor Masson, a celebrated scientist known for his ground-breaking work in genetics. Reluctantly, the kidnapped woman tells of her experiences as Masson's assistant. Initially the man's private life didn't interest her all that much, but after a while she started wondering about some of his traits, such as his reluctance to allow visitors into his home. And why was Masson such a fervent devotee of the local vegetable market, buying enough fresh produce to feed a tribe ?

"Le mutant" is a bona fide science fiction series that deals with a number of classic themes, such as mass mind control imposed on unsuspecting populations. Other themes are eugenics, the creation of designer babies and the quest for "perfect" human specimens. The tone is dark and the conclusion - if it is indeed a conclusion - does not bode well for Humanity at large.

Sadly enough the series undercuts its own potential through structural problems. In my humble opinion the story would have been much more compelling and suspenseful if it had been told in a straightforward linear fashion, perhaps enlivened with an occasional flash-back here and there. The very title, "Le mutant", also gives away part of the game. One wonders what the makers of the series would have done if someone had asked them to adapt a thriller - would they have called it "The doctor's brother-in-law is the blackmailer" or "The vicar's Ostend alibi is fake" ?

In case you, dear reader, are afflicted with a creepy uncle droning on about global world government, Illuminati-imposed vegetarianism, chemtrails, vaccine conspiracies, mind-control experiments through bouillon cubes and the like : be kind and keep this series away from him. It might cause his head to explode.
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