Miss Julie (1999)
Strictley for fans of the August Strindberg's play
28 April 2023
(1999) Miss Julie PERIOD PIECE DRAMA

Adapted from the very talky Swedish 1888 play "Fröken Julie" or "Miss Julie" for English speaking audiences written by August Strindberg. It's mainly a three actors performance centering much of it down on the kitchen with Miss Julie (Saffron Burrows) involvement with a commoner, Jean (Peter Mullan) after a call off of her recent engagement, even though he's already engaged to the head cook, Christine (Maria Doyle Kennedy) he usually works with. Talky and boring and it doesn't end very well. As far as I know, this is like the eighth Miss Julie movie adaption out of twelve, not including the 50 minute ballet version from 1959.
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