Review of Hunter

Hunter (I) (1984–1991)
A weak,cheesy and cheap copy of much-better cop-tv shows !
2 May 2023
In theory and on paper,this tv series should be a sure-fire success. It has most of the very-same basic ingredients as are to be found in most of the good and successful cop-themed tv shows of the time.

Most of the the stories and plots on this show are reasonably decent and have been seen many times before on other cop tv shows.

All of the important ingredients are here for sure.

The devil here is in the details. That is what kills this show. If you don't look too closely,the show has many reasonably-passable aspects here,there,and throughout,but under any closer inspection the show quickly cracks.

For just one example, sure,there are car chases,but look at the slow and lame cars they drive !

Yet,we are supposed to believe that somehow they are getting NASCAR performance out of a crappy and slow,dodge-mitsubishi 2.2L turbo junkheap!

Anyone that has driven even the very-best and fastest,'hot',souped-up version of this car will laugh out loud spontaneously if you ask them if this car is fast. It's not a fast car,which drags down the realism of the show. You'd never catch anybody with that car,period.

They may as well be driving Ford escorts !

(Give the guy a decent car for heaven's sake!)

Next,we have main characters here that are generic,plastic and phony-seeming.

The acting is wooden,the dialog is often stilted and silly.

As bad as all of this is,the show did have some potential.

I can think of more than a few other,long-running cop tv shows that also started out pretty-weak but managed to improve and became pretty-good shows for many more years ahead. It is possible !

I also think that if nothing else,even a marginally-talented group of actors would surely improve after working together over time as they got to know each other. The actors and crew almost cannot help but improve as a group over time if they are even somewhat serious. It seems nearly inevitable.

Well,this show bucks the odds in that regard !

Somehow, unfortunately,this show here never really improved enough to make much of a difference. It ended as it began,a mediocre show that really never quite clicked. 3/10.
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