Blast (2004)
Low budget and a quick cash gerab movie for the studio
12 May 2023
(2005) Blast ACTION

A straight to rental low budget "Die Hard" movie on an oil rig. The movie stars Eddie Griffin as Lamont Dixon, who has been left guardianship to a young kid as a result of losing his actual father as a fireman. He brings this kid to his new job which is part of a crew to drag an oil rig to the coast of California with a tug boat. And while people are celebrating Christmas lunch on the lunchroom convoy, it is then the whole rig gets hijacked by what was supposedly by some eco-terrorists headed by Michael Kittredge (Vinnie Jones). Dixon then takes it upon himself to save the crew since the hijackers didn't know he was on board. Co-written by Steven E. De Souza of many memorable action movies including "Die Hard" 1 and 2, "Commando" and "48 Hours" to name a few. This is probably a minor effort for the writer, since his script was probably taken over by the studio that has financed, and it ends up to be a waste of time to the viewers and a cash grab for the studio. One of the major problems is that I was never sucked in to understanding about oil rigs in the first place and the film sort of assumes that when that is not the case at all. What "Unstoppable" did right what this film did wrong was it shows viewers something about working in trains before the catastrophe start to happen. The other problem are the fights which are unconvincingly bad since you're talking about a small puny man beating guys who're a lot taller and heavier than Dixon- it's almost like seeing the land of make belief. I mean, I'll give thumbs up on any action movie with mediocre acting and an unmemorable script just as long as those action sequences are imaginative and convincing but this movie has neither. They might as well film this on their back yard.
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