The book must have been ten x better than the movie (excessive violence)...
14 May 2023
Ugh. Excessive violence (needlessly), thankfully "Last Seen in Idaho" had a happy ending. The lead actress won the Best Lead Actress Award at Gig Harbor Movie Festival and she certainly deserved it. Two most prominent male criminal characters were very convincing as evil dudes. However, I had to mute the audio several times on intense violent scenes and rely on close captions just to be able to continue watch the movie. I only continued watching because I'm very curious and the actors where so good, thus I still had hope there would be a good-decent ending. Directors can learn a lot from watching classic Alfred Hitchcock movies. All this excessive violence is a huge turnoff (it was doubled due to lead actress's gift of foresight), if there was a better script with more subtle violence vs. Overt violence this movie could have been an 8-9 out of ten. Instead it's a barely watchable 5 of ten. This is one of those cases where the book would be ten x better than the movie even for the genre. What on Earth is Hollywood thinking with this much overt violence? We the people want good quality entertainment. ***This movie is NOT suitable for kids in any way, shape or form.****
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