Four Dragons (2008)
It is not even worth 3 dollars forget the rating
15 May 2023
(2008) Four Dragons (In Chinese with English subtitles) HISTORICAL ACTION

Don't be fooled by the title of this film because their isn't very much martial arts at all, and when they do it , it's not very good. A period piece film focusing on the mistreatment of Chinese workers working as slave labors as they're struggling for equal treatment and equal pay as the person is charge is corrupt blah, blah , blah. What this film fails to showcase is that with all that slave work, how did any of the workers ever find the time to practice martial arts as workers are punished if they go past camp. Instead of using fake blood, it's being replaced by fake cheesy CGI, and it was at this point, I pretty much used the fast forward button while playing it's all routinely predictable when you know how it's going to happen. 1 star out of 4 for the photographed scenery which is what Chinese films usually center much of their movies on.
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