Laramie (1959–1963)
Laramie: from a wonderful genre missing from history today
19 May 2023
The show depicted a struggle of right vs. Wrong, good vs. Evil, and brought you to grasp the true worth of a single human life on a regular basis, and it was so professionally attended to, by professionals in the industry who got riveting stories told by every crew member and actor in under a week of flawless work. Look at these shows. Compared to today's standards it's amazing anything gets accomplished now, and a tribute to actors who knew their craft, and who knew their characters. Try watching a few. Start with episode 1; "Stage Stop". You'll find yourself dragged into it via exceptional skills performed so flawlessly that it appears easy. Find You Tubes of Robert Fuller/Jess Harper to understand what really happened on set. Find "A Sound of Bells", "Trigger Point", or the steamy "Run to Tumavaca", Robert Fuller and Gena Rowlands as one hottt mess! :-) And I know no woman I've ever met who'd not fall for that man. He was a real heartbreaker - and still is. ;-) John Smith's passing happened too soon, he epitomizes his character Slim Sherman, and was the backbone of the show, with Fuller//Harper as the breakout star, and Smith is also missed to this day.

But this show we will have, Laramie, hugely popular again today, where men were men and good or terribly evil, depending on who they were, but it ended, each episode, with the feeling that yes, our actions matter. Yes, be kind to each other. Yes by all means take responsibility for yourself, stop blaming someone else, and let others be. Get on with doing you.

An ode to freedoms, toughness, endurance and of those who opened the western US to build the country out. It was those who dared, destitute or not, to strike out, with no building to find, save what you could build, no water, save what you could build near, nothing, and no doctors, hospitals, phones - just you. I absolutely respect those men and women who dared the unknown and brought us such a wealth of a life; the country we know... knew.. and now hand off as if none of it mattered, to grasping, ludicrously insipid fools. Lol but I digress.. To Bob Fuller: our hearts are yours forever. May you be thrilling us all for many more generations!
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