Linoleum (2022)
Current Year Writing For NO Reason
21 May 2023
So, without giving any specifics of the plot away, the movie would rate probably a 6 or 7 if not for the fact that the writers just HAD to include current year plot points for LITERALLY no reason at all whatsoever. The teenage girl CLAIMS to be lesbian, even though there is not a single thing in the movie that affirms that assertion, including the ending, nor the story line itself. The teenage boy apparently likes to wear girls panties, which has literally NO reason for being a plot point in this movie with the sole exception of a single photo op. When I say literally, I am using the original definition of that word, not the "o.m.g. I'm literally going to die if I don't get those concert tickets" meaning. The only reason for thee two story arcs is literally just to check the appropriate boxes. Oh, and how could I forget the required "Christian parent is a monster" story line? I mean... What current movie would be complete without dragging Christianity through the mud? Amirite?

I'm not even going to bother giving you the reasons you might WANT to watch this. If you want those reasons, read what someone else might have to say. If the plot points I've laid out here are not enough to steer you clear of this movie, you'll probably enjoy it.
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