Arsenic and Old Lace (1969 TV Movie)
Hammy and bland
31 May 2023
Saw this version of 'Arsenic and Old Lace' primarily for the cast, having liked much of the work of Helen Hayes, David Wayne, Fred Gwynne and particularly Lillian Gish. Also like the source material very much and have always gotten much enjoyment out of the 1941 film. Haven't seen the Boris Karloff version for a long time, but also remember that being much better than this version. And of course it is always interesting seeing an old live performance of any play (same with ballet and opera).

1969's 'Arsenic and Old Lace' could and should have been a lot better considering the cast and source material. It fares poorly as an adaptation and in comparison to the film, and also fails on its own. All the cast deserved better, with the performances being a very mixed bag (and even the few that came off well have been better), and the truncations, changes and rewrites that the play undergoes here works against the production significantly. There have been old filmed productions that have held up well and don't feel stagy, but this 'Arsenic and Old Lace' is not one of those productions.

There are certainly good things, with most of the rating going to a few of the performances. Gwynne seems to be enjoying himself thoroughly, does ominous chillingly and seems to know what the production was going for and how to approach the material. Same goes for splendidly dotty Hayes, and Billy DeWolfe is also a lot of fun. The best performance though goes to an amusingly befuddled Bob Crane.

Did like the costumes, which were elegant and not too fussy. The ending is quite well done.

Not much else is though. Love Gish as an actress, but she proves here that she worked better in drama than comedy and didn't find her dotty or sinister enough. Would have liked more chemistry between her Hayes, which came over as static. Jack Gilford is too sympathetic as well as overplays and Wayne come over as far too hammy and manic, actually felt embarrassed for Wayne who makes a ridiculous role incredibly annoying. Sue Lyon is bland and has nothing to do. The whole cast chemistry is too static and doesn't connect really enough, which gives a bland feel throughout.

Other than the costumes, the production looks cheap. Especially the poorly lit and pointless exteriors, while the sets are pretty cardboard-like. The camera work lacks focus and is too restricted and while it was interesting to hear the audience reactions they actually distracted and killed the momentum. The staging never comes to life properly and lacks wit and charm, even any menace doesn't come out enough and it is because everything comes over as too hammy.

The dialogue doesn't work as well, with a very bland and stilted feel and the rewrites jar, with the repeated Jonas Salk introducing being very repetitive and most are anachronistic. There is a lack of wit and there is nothing really that is funny. Updating the setting was also a mistake, adds nothing and makes some of the material feel very outdated, the play's setting is actually specific and as a result the Roosevelt jokes make no sense. With it being so truncated and changed, coherence was sometimes an issue.

Concluding, a waste of potential. 4/10.
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