Like Xiao Long Bao Perfection
2 June 2023
3rd culture.

I first heard this term, strolling down a city in California, on my way to a trending dessert shop. Admittedly, I was fascinated by the name itself.

"What could that have meant?" I got the Asian part. The American too. But what could be the "3rd"?


I was dumbfounded how simple the answer was. I anticipated a more complex or clever meaning behind it, I never expected it be be the combination of the two.

And that's when it hit me.

I always looked at my Asian-American heritage as just that, two separate identities melded forcibly together.

I never saw it as a fusion of something entirely new--coexisting as a separate harmonius identity.

Why bring this up, you might say?

Well, this so called "3rd culture" is the very driving force behind the show, American Born Chinese.

Now, there is a lot going on in this show. So much so, that it teeters on the edge of chaos. It juggles so many other themes and side stories around, that a small misstep could tear the whole thing a part. Like a good Xiao Long Bao. Delicate, but delicious. Risky hot soup, but rewarding flavor.

All in just 8 episodes!?

Truly a masterpiece that is worth the effort and time.

At the end of the day, it's not going to be for everyone. Asian or not.

And to that I say, more XLB for the rest of us!
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