Almost Awesome but... Dancing in the Finale?
6 June 2023
This true story was good enough without the choreography. What in the world were the editors thinking when they spliced dance footage into the finale? Not only does it ruin the drama of their climax, it's just a really, really bizare place for dancers!

Okay, so I get it. They want to humanize or artify the violence. In fact, this is my point! Violence is, well... violent! Dancing can be violent, too, but this mixture is like gum and nuts... it just doesn't work. So bizarre!

Anyway, this is a story about the incredible rescue of dozens of Jewish hostages during yet another terrorist hijacking of a civilian airliner. It happened so much back then that the hijacking (and the idiotic Bader-Meinhoff Gang, so-called) started boring the hell out of everyone.

In this movie, the actual story is told well. The dancing is just so out of place that it ruins the plot's impact. So, watch or don't watch. Nobody is going to care.
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