Miss Marple is Charmed by Messala
17 June 2023
I've seen "The Man Who Never Was" several times over the years, starting soon after I became a diehard Stephen Boyd fan when I first saw him in Ben-Hur. One reason Stephen Boyd got the coveted role of Messala in Ben-Hur was his fine performance in "The Man Who Never Was," a suspenseful World War II film based on historic fact (Ian Fleming or his brother may have come up with the idea for real while serving in the military). I've also read many reviews of "The Man Who Never Was" but none I know of mention that the future Miss Marple of Agatha Christie fame (Joan Hickson) played Stephen Boyd's cheery landlady in "The Man Who Never Was." When she tries helping him carry his luggage up her interior stairway, he says to her in his most charming Irish brogue, "Never let it be said that I let a lady carry for me." This scene alone is worth watching "The Man Who Never Was."
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