Black Knight (2001)
2023. A Gen-X Review of a Decades Old Film That I've Never, Ever Seen Before
19 June 2023
This is a 7? This movie is a 7?

Yes. Yes, it is.

Maybe it's because in the 2020's we are in a comedic desert landscape.

Maybe time brings certain undeniable truths to the surface, though this truth I have always known and held close.

Martin Lawrence is a comedy genius.

A generational talent and icon.

Even with material as thin and silly as this, he shines.

And he has help along the way with likely and unlikely pairings.

This movie isn't trying to be anything it's not. It is exactly what it is trying to be.

Tom Wilkinson, a brilliant actor having a brilliant year with the incredible, In The Bedroom, costars as Sir Knolte.

He would also go on to a lifetime performance in Michael Clayton in 2007 among other roles.

Daryl Mitchell, himself a comedy heavyweight in Galaxy Quest and Home Fries prior to this film has a small but decent role here as an amusement park co-worker.

Are there ridiculous scenes regarding the difficulties of horseback riding and such?


Are there likes aplenty like, 'Tis roadkill?

Lol. Yes. But that's so silly it just cracks me up.

I laughed out loud quite a bit here.

And there's a Beanie Man song on the soundtrack.

What else can one asketh for?
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