I was excited to see how places like this work in L.A. Then I did and lost interest.
22 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I put this contains spoilers. I said something that they do. Not sure if there is enough to be considered a spoiler. But better safe than sorry.

My stepfather was a captain in the fire department. When I saw the preview for this, I had a feeling he would want to watch. I then saw that he set it on our DVR. We watched the first half last night. Here are my thoughts.

I can normally tell how a show will be within the first seconds. I had a feeling that I wouldn't like it. But I didn't say that. Nor did I stop watching. But I was right. I did not like it. Nothing about it.

First, I understand it's real life. But it just feels like they build you up so much and then nothing happens. The poor guy that they were using that machine on, that made me sad. I don't really think stuff like that show be shown. It is a person life. But I guess that IS real.

Then, maybe I am the only one on this. But the show seemed so strange. Like it was scripted. What was I really watching.

Who is this show really for. I mean, the audience. It almost seemed like it was set up for kids the way the guys were talking. Yet I can't see parents letting children watch this show. Adults may watch but I have a feeling more would lose interest than keep it. I suppose teenagers would find it interesting. But don't they watch streaming stuff. So, I just wondered who this was for.

You get to see the guys go on a call. It is quickly over and then they talk. I think two or three of the people said the exact same thing. I thought I was going crazy.

I just didn't find any part of what I wanted interesting, unique, or entertaining. I can't see this show lasting that long. But I am only human. I believe I said the same thing about one or all of the Chicago shows. They are still on and seem popular. Though I stopped watching the first and only one I watched after the third or so season.

It would be cool if this show got a large amount of people to watch. Give those who rarely get the credit they deserve a change to be seen and known. But in my guy, I just can't see it going for more than two or three seasons. I mean, at the most.

Also, just thought I would put this, I have nothing but respect for the men and women that do this. Someone killed me in 2003. There was an off-duty medic that had his radio on. He heard the call and came to me. If not for that guy, the men, and women on medivac and those at shock trauma in Baltimore, I would not be here.
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