Murdercise (2023)
10 July 2023
Just watched Paul Ragsdale and Angelica De Alba's latest movie MURDERCISE and we absolutely loved it. As longtime fans of Paul and Angie's movies, we've seen the progression of their work from Cinco de Mayo through Streets of Vengeance and Slashlorette Party. With every project they refine their art and the movies just keep getting better and better.

Murdercise is a call back to 80s horror movies like Death Spa and Killer Workout, and Paul and Angie absolutely nailed the 80s aesthetic. Having lived through the 80s myself, I can attest the score, costumes and sets are perfect. If you're a fan of 80s horror, you're going to love this movie.

Murdercise has incredible production value for a crowdfunded indie horror. It looks and sounds great, with a fantastic soundtrack and quality sound mixing. Two things can quickly kill a low budget movie, poor lighting and bad audio. Murdercise shines in both areas, it's well lit and it sounds great.

The script is another way in which Murdercise shines. Many indie horror movies have awesome practical effects and cool kills, but weak dialogue. The dialogue in Murdercise is smart and funny. Indie darling Kansas Bowling's (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Psycho Ape) character has some hilarious dialogue and Kansas plays the part perfectly. I laughed out loud at several of her lines. She is GREAT in this movie. Jessa Daisy, Drew Marvick and Nina Lanee Kent are also fantastic in their roles. Jessa has a scene that had us in tears from laughing. The entire movie is really well cast and well acted, Paul and Angie really know how to get the best out of their actors and the result is a quality production. Oh and I would be remiss if I didn't mention that most of the cast of Murdercise look like they're straight out of a modeling agency.

Clocking in at just under 90 minutes, Murdercise is well paced and never drags, it's an easy fun watch. It took us longer than 90 minutes to watch it, however, because some of the scenes were so funny we kept rewinding and watching again. Congrats to everyone involved, this is a movie people are really going to enjoy.
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