Season 1 is exceptional and falls off after that
20 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The epic vision and ambition that went into Season 1 is, I dare say, uncanny. Juggling a team of 9 characters, season 1 had 3-5 plotlines per episode, several of which extended the whole season or into season 2.

The first episode is a classic where Jubilee meets the X-Men and a Sentinel at the mall. This early 90s fun vibe quickly meets adult situations when around Episode 3 or so one of the team members dies in battle. This death then spawns several plotlines as the characters react to the death differently. (And of course, being comics, no one can truly stay dead. But they did a nice job of merging the Apocalypse plotline with the Morph plotline.)

Season 1 covers Sentinels, including Master Mold, 2 of the island sagas (Muir Island and some slave island.) Days of Future Past. Apocalyse and his 4 angels of death. Plus feature villains such as Magneto, Juggernaut, and Mystique. My favorite plotline was when everyone was pursuing a doctor not knowing that the doctor was really Mystique.

It's pretty crazy that the Beast storyline takes the whole season with limited payoff. He just sits in jail the whole time lol. Also, Cable's appearance makes no sense in season 1 but they do get around to explaining it season 2.

Season 2 introduces some standalone episodes which are hit and miss. The Savage Land plotline is fairly interesting, though they slow walk it.

Season 3 has the Phoenix Saga, which is a drudge for me to get through. Way too much exposition and confusing self-sacrifice. After that it feels like the.writers changed the the energy dropped.

My biggest gripe is that the heroes are so overpowered it's hard to believe they ever lose. Cyclops can one-shot any Sentinel, but for some reason doesn't just take them all out in a minute.

Still need to watch the later seasons, but not sure I can make it through season 3.
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