22 July 2023
The culmination of twenty years of quintessential character development, standard setting writing, and visual storytelling at its finest. Thank you Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick. Y'all have created a work of art that encapsulates the best and worse of humanity. From innocence & failure to the growth that comes with acceptance, The Venture bros. Is now the bar for serialized storytelling. From ingenious & palpable dialogue that captures the deep rooted insecurities and their associated overcompensation's to the mesmerizing backstories for even the most unsuspecting of background characters, The Venture Bros. Has managed to perfect storytelling as an art. Please do yourself a favor and watch this full series and tie up film. You won't regret it. Thanks again for the 20 years of eating for the next part of the story, for once it was actually worth it!
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