DC fans need to widen their horizons
31 July 2023
Ok, DC fans, you need to see a bigger picture here. Every time you run into a DC anime that isn't following the same old boring style, you rate it poorly and whine about whatever. That's nothing but being childish, whiney, and narrowminded. Warworld was a breath of fresh air, along with The Doom That Came to Gotham, Soul of the Dragon, the latest Catwoman, Injustice, Batman Gotham Knight, and Green Lantern: Beware My Power. I like that these cartoons are taking a different approach and deal with more obscure topics. The darker they get, the more I like it. I don't get what's there not to like about Warworld. You have several intertwined stories involving favorite DC characters. Though they don't seem connected at first, it all comes down in the end and fuses into a huge plot. I rate this 8/10. Hope they do more of these cartoons. Overall, it's an excellent movie with awesome ending and thoughtful story lines.
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