Strictly for Cage fans
31 July 2023
Let's get one thing straight: "Sympathy for the Devil" isn't a good movie. In no universe would I ever recommend this to anyone unless they were huge Nicolas Cage fans (such as myself). Why? Because, besides Cage's performance, there is really nothing here that is worthy of any real entertainment value. The violence is oddly shot and unfortunately neutered; the story is a predictable rehash of plotlines done - and done better - in a countless number of other films; and the movie (though it does look good, what with its neon-drenched cinematography) is clearly low budget, with 85% of it taking place inside of a vehicle. All of that said, Nicolas Cage's performance is so out-there, so extreme, and so colorful, that it makes "Sympathy for the Devil" a must watch for Cage fans.

Wow, wow, and wow. Where to start with "Sympathy for the Devil?" A certified Cage classic, if you're watching this movie, you're only watching it for one Nic Cage..... and one that front, it delivers. Cage is so, so entertaining here - he butchers a Brooklyn accent, he screams throughout 90% of his performance, and - for some reason - his hair is dyed red. What more could you ask for? Cage goes wild here, playing a character that will resort to violence at the drop of a hat - he's unpredictable, he's semi-menacing, and he's a whole lot of fun to watch on screen. If you want to watch this for Cage, you owe it to yourself to give it a go.

If you want to watch this for any other reason besides Nic Cage? You probably won't have that good of a time. Because, truth be told, there isn't really a lot of substance here. The majority of the movie consists of two people talking while pretending to drive a vehicle, and it's about as interesting as you'd expect, elevated only by Cage's wacky performance. I do have an affinity for Joel Kinnaman, and he is good here, but he really doesn't have that much to do. Like I said, the majority of the movie consists of Cage and Kinnaman speaking to each other, and while Cage's character adds entertainment value, there really isn't much depth to the performances or the conversations - in fact, the lack of depth was so noticeable that I found myself immediately forgetting the contents of the conversations as soon as they were over.

"Forgettable" is also an apt word to describe this movie; not much happens, and when it does, it doesn't leave any real type of impact on viewers. Simply put, this is a watchable, fast food-esque movie that you can put on, enjoy, and immediately never think about again as soon as the credits roll. And this isn't to say that I think this movie is horrible, because I don't - I just think that it's a movie strictly made for fans of Nicolas Cage. Not a Cage fan? Then you probably won't find much to enjoy here.
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