Frank Sinatra's memorable performance in a tragic tale of an emerging singer turned into a burlesque joker
3 August 2023
The Joker Is Wild (1957) : Brief Review -

Frank Sinatra's memorable performance in a tragic tale of an emerging singer turned into a burlesque joker. I can tell you five reasons why this film is a must-watch and then find other reasons why this film could have been much better to make it a must-watch. Joe is an emerging singer who gets the big break he's looking for, but his owner isn't nice enough to let him go. His vocal chords are destroyed, and his face is disturbed too, so he can never be a singer. Joe takes a new start away from the place and makes himself a silent joker. His old pals find him, and with the help of the newly found love of his life, Joe makes a career as a burlesque artist. But he has become a heavy drinker, and that leads him away from his friends and partners. He decides to keep distance from his girlfriend because of his medical conditions, but then opts to quit drinking. By the time he makes a decision to marry her, it's too late, and he is ready for another marriage, only to see it fall into pieces. Well, the tragedy works here in the beginning when we see an emerging talent getting slashed, and that scene when Joe makes his first comic act. The problem appears in the conflicts that take place after this. Alcoholism and medical issues couldn't be glorified against a man's willpower, right? This film fails there and cuts you off from the emotional connect forever. Lewis was like that, maybe. So it's about the pain behind the joker's face, alright. But you have to show the joker as a helpless fella, not an arrogant, stupid drinker. Losing a girl can't be as big an issue as losing your talent or life. The last conversation between Joe and his mirror image could have been used intellectually, but they just wanted a soft, happy ending, I guess. Nevertheless, Sinatra makes sure you are entertained. Like Lewis told Sinatra, "You had more fun playing my life than I had living it."

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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