Length of season hurts this show...
10 August 2023
While I enjoy the series, it seems they haven't quite got the formula figured out yet. When looking back at older Treks, as well as many shows of the past, episode count allowed sort of a forgiveness for the more mediocre episodes. Being constrained to 10 or so episodes doesn't allow for much wiggle room. Episodes that aren't up to par stick out much more since it takes up a higher percentage of the overall season runtime. You get a half-satisfied sense of fulfillment and wonder why more focus wasn't put on the core.

I've seen comments where people didn't like or complained about the crossover and singing episodes(believe it was ep7 and ep9, season 2 for future reference). In a longer season, I think these wouldn't have been complained about much(maybe even enjoyed for it's break from the norm). The issue is, there isn't enough time per season for BS'n around with comedic or artistic flare(not for whole episodes). It veers to far from the premise of the show with such limited runtime.

There needs to be more focus on the core. Gorn? I mean these seem to be where the show wants to go for the overarching baddies. Yes, the self-contained episodes are great! I'm glad Trek has gone back to that formula, but there needs to be more weaving of that storyline within a season. If it's not the Gorn, then wherever you are wanting to take the show needs to be sprinkled in a bit more. Also it would probably be good to throw a multi-part episode or 2 in the mix every once in awhile(chance to really build up characters and possibly another sub plot. DS9 did this a bit with Cardassians).

If the studio is not willing to stretch the seasons longer, then they need to focus more on what gets people excited. Otherwise people are just gonna walk away feeling half satisfied, until eventually it isn't worth their time anymore.
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