the last Christian died on the cross
23 August 2023
First off i'd like to say, that this is from the director of Premutos, and i am sort of a fan of it, this blew me away people. Now, this movie is pretty similar in my opinion to one of my favourite movies of all time, MARTYRS. How?

Just like in MARTYRS, these people are being tortured, killed, abused only because of living forever, (in Martyrs it's to understand what's on the other, but you get my point). This movie has a clear message and that's that the people from today's period and the people from 13, 14, 15th Centuryare the same. If not worst.

I have to say that the second half of this movie was amazing. The head plot was fine, the ending was expected half of the movie, i said that the grave-owner is the BOSS, and i was RIGHT! The first story could of been better honestly.

Compared to the second story, the first story was kinda slow, but i guess that was the point to hit you with the second story. The second story never gets boring, and just like in the first story, everyone dies.

The beating heart idea is really unique, the plot it's self is pretty strong, only negative i can give is the first story that could of been better. Anyway, i enjoyed Premutos, i LOVED Beyond The Limits.

If you liked Martyrs or Subconscious Cruelty you'll most likley enjoy love this. Personally i really liked this film. I'll always say: When it comes to movies, the most important thing in my opinion is the plot. When you got a strong interesting plot, you got a good movie in your hands.
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