Shelley: No News Is Good... (1982)
Season 4, Episode 3
Insightful, with eloquent writing. A gem.
6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Such writing cannot be bettered. In this episode we see the couple as intellectuals of the '80s, discussing their societal concerns.

The characters are eloquently described by the writers, & well portrayed by the talented actors.

The scene opens with the couple watching the evening News on TV. Shelley trumps with his usual dry comments about politics & the state of the world, while Fran gets annoyed at the society being offered to their new baby and plans to send the premiers of world superpowers a 'Mothers Against Nuclear Arms' petition.

The episode reminds us of issues that mattered to many intellectuals/concerned citizens in the early '80s: the bomb going off, losing a promised job offer, house prices, banning juggernauts in domestic areas, and the terrors of living in a potential post-nuclear society. Not to mention becoming a middle-aged trendy, losing the idealistic convictions of youth, considering asking terrorists not to terrorise us please, quoting Mary Whitehouse, and wanting to slaughter the entire government Cabinet . . .

Hmmm . . . I began having vibes of what the French call 'Plus ça change . . '! ROFL! This was made even more germane later, after S & F go to see a new film at the cinema, when they critique the movie because it had 37+ murders in it - one of which turend the victim to "pedestrian puree", as Shelley adroitly puts it. The Green Cross Code that he also refers to has lost the omnipresence it had in the '70s & '80s, but the rest of what the young couple say in the episode is - scarily - still all too pertinent in today's society. Beer HAS gone downhill. And violent films DO breed violence. Hey-ho! ,-)

When Mrs H pops in to babysit, Shelley as usual winds her up with his usual savvy flair. "What time is it?" asks Mrs H, & Shelley replies "'Crossroads' minus 12". And Shelley telling Mrs H that the neutron bomb is a sort of atomic bailiff that leaves the property alone and just gets rid of unwanted tenants. Which Mrs H then believes & approves of - "speaking as a landlady" - with all her might.

Plus Shelley's ingenious answer as to what to do in a 4-minute bomb warning? Make a cup of tea, of course!

Genius. The scriptwriter balances social comment with comedy, to supreme effect. Such writing is sorely missed on modern TV.
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