You'll Either Love It or Hate It
16 September 2023
It is likely that when you scroll through the reviews you will find people completely loving this movie and some completely bashing it.

I know, I know - nothing new in what I'm saying...but hold on...

When I watched this movie, I loved it for a different take on how the Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella story flows. It starts off very similar but soon it deviates from the conventional plot we all know.

Half way down the movie, this turns into a completely different story. It sort of turns into an investigative courtroom drama, which some might appreciate and some won't.

As the story progresses into the final phase and the truth is revealed it is likely that your mind might like the movie, but your heart might not.

If you like experimental movies where you are willing to see your beloved characters in a different light, you will love it.

On the other hand, if you are a purist and prefer the traditional plot, this is going to be a bad experience.
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