Superman is Back.. Again!
19 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My Adventures With Superman is my new favorite adaptation of Superman, but also Lois and their relationship.

I can't lie I've always found Lois's character quite boring through the years (And I know this to be just my opinion as many people would most likely disagree) and also the relationship between Lois & Superman/Clark to be the same.. But with this series I've found myself really enjoying their relationship, dynamic and honestly just the characters a whole lot more.. especially Lois.. I went from not caring about this character to having her be my favorite part of the show as well as her and Clark's/Superman's relationship. I've seen that her character in this show has gotten a lot of hate and most of which comes from either an ignorant or racist place.. I believe that Lois is Mixed Race in the show and a lot of people have (for no reason) found a problem with this.. I think her character design looks great and the fact that she is Mixed Race should have 0 effect on your life and if it does, thats a you Issue and not a show issue.. and coming back to the ignorance, a lot of people are talking about the scene at the end of episode 5 "You Will Believe a Man Can Lie" where Lois throws herself off The Daily Planet so Clark would have to prove to her that he is Superman.. and people have criticized this to an extreme level and saying how stupid it was for the show to do this and blasting the character of Lois in the series for it.. and your probably wondering "Oh that seems unfair but why is that Ignorance and not just some criticism?" well that is because- IT ALREADY HAPPENS IN ONE OF THE FIRST LIVE ACTION SUPERMAN FILMS! In the 1980's "Superman II" film Lois also throws herself off a building to try and get Clark Kent to prove that he is Superman.. so why was that ok but this wasn't? We could go back to the racism but lets just leave it ignorance. Moving on, I'm going to break some aspects of the show down into different parts so I can best explain how amazing each aspect is...

Voice Acting - I think the voice acting of Alice Lee (Lois Lane) and Ishmel Sahid (Jimmy Olsen) is absolutely incredible and just a 10/10 but what is an 11/10 to me has to be Jack Quaid as Superman.. now if your like me the name Jack Quaid might ring a bell.. you could even say.. a campBELL... get it? Campbell- HE PLAYS HUGHIE CAMPBELL ON "The Boys" I know right! And what I think is so amazing is I couldn't even tell and If you asked me "Do you think that guy who plays Hughie in The Boys would be a good voice for Superman?" I would've said "Hell No. He sound nothing like Superman" and thank god that I would've been wrong. Him as Superman is just perfect casting and he brings something to the role that I feel a lot of actors miss with it.. Pure Humanity.. now I know your gonna jump at me and say "What are you talking about- The past Superman voice actors are amazing!" and In no way am I disagreeing with that but I think with the past Superman actors they always play Superman 1st and Clark Kent 2nd.. (Which is funny since I prefer the opposite for the Batman character, It should always be Batman 1st and Bruce Wayne 2nd, A quote I like about this comes from The Dark Knight himself and Voice acting Legend who sadly passed away Kevin Conroy "I thought Batman was the real character and Bruce Wayne was the disguise, Thats the way that I played this. Bruce Wayne is the alter ego. Thats the face he puts on for the world. Batman is who he is in his heart.") I just feel like Jack Quaid plays Clark Kent 1st and Superman 2nd.. I don't know if that makes sense but I hope it does.. Just overall amazing job all round.

Characters - Ok I've already said enough about this above but I really want to drive home how truly boring I thought the character of Lois Lane has been through the years and how much this show has changed that for me, 100% without a doubt my favorite interpretation of Lois Lane. Again with Superman as I said above in the Voice Acting section, Just the humanity brought to the role is amazing and so much more easier to relate to and root for.. where before he was always amazing but felt more like a symbol for good.. I find myself enjoying him as Clark Kent more then as Superman, which is crazy.

Animation - At first I didn't know how I felt about them using the Anime format for the show as I've seen other shows do this thinking that's what is gonna carry the show and give it character rather then them just doing good writing.. (I really want to name a show but that would be petty.. ok still really want to for comedic effect but still wont..) I think the use of Anime here works perfectly for character design and the world their in.. I just honestly really love it and it really brings the show together.

Writing - Seeing how much I've praised these characters I think it would be impossible to not give props to the writing of the show.. It is just amazing with how much they manage to get into an episode with just a 23 minute time limit, I truly love shows that can end an episode leaving me heart broken that I have to wait for another, Once again really good.

Ok this was a point I felt like I needed to make as it's my one of my only true criticism of the show.. Criticism - Episode 7 "Kiss Kiss Fall in Portal" Ok lets get into this, the whole plot of this episode was basically a Multiverse episode where Superman gets tricked by Mr. Mxyzptlk (a Multiverse Hopping Villain) while Lois and Jimmy are with a League of Lois Lanes from across the Multiverse who are trying to kill Superman.. Look I'll fully admit this might be a very bias criticism that probably wont age well but at the moment with everything that's been going on with DC and Marvel I just find myself having heavy Multiverse Story Fatigue.. any time the Multiverse gets brought up as of recently I find myself not as excited as I used to be as It just keeps happening and isn't as special as it used to be.. All I can really say is I just find myself not caring for Multiverse story's at the moment (hopefully that will change as I love the idea of the Multiverse but at the moment its just really being overdone). And last criticism for this episode is at the end.. Lois goes to her apartment and opens a file that she took from the League of Lois Lanes that shows in another universe where Superman goes evil, this scares Lois into thinking that this could happen with her Superman.. I'm not a fan of this.. In the next episode Lois gets introduced to Vicky Vale (a news reporter from Gotham) where Vicky tries to get Lois to help her make a hit piece on Superman.. and gives Lois arguments like "And what happens when he decides that having powers means he doesn't have to follow our laws anymore? If he really wanted to hurt us, what could we do about it? With how powerful Superman is, just him having a bad day could spell the end for us. Can you really say we're safer with him overhead?" I would have much preferred arguments like this from Vicky Vale to make Lois doubt Superman rather then the whole Multiverse File showing an Evil Superman.. I think it would've matched the rhythm of the show a lot better then The Multiverse File Narrative and would've fit with the character of Lois a lot more. And my last criticism has to be with the season finale "Hearts of the Fathers" and for the most part this was a very good episode and once again this could just be a "me" opinion but I found it kind of lazy to make The General Lois's Father.. It felt more like a "shock" moment rather then trying to be true to a story and what would make sense for it.

I don't want to end this review on a negative note as its only a very small criticism of a show that is still so amazing. Overall I think this show is truly just wonderful.. from the characters, writing, animation, voice acting and just the heart that it brings to a much beloved character. I've watched all versions of Superman throughout the years from Live Action to Animation to Video Games to Damn Nicolas Cage (love that man) and I can honestly say I find myself loving this version so much more then I thought I would to the point of even maybe being my favorite, and once again I want to say how much I love this shows version of Lois Lane and the relationship between her and Clark, I can say Lois as a character and love interest bored me in the past but this Lois Lane has so much character to her and any racists out there should really rethink what they're doing. This show does something that everyone wants a Superman project to do, you'll believe a man can fly. (cheesy last line I know)
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