The Breach (I) (2022)
23 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a waste. There should definitely have been enough material here to produce an interesting mixture of body and cosmic horror, even at the budget they were working with. However, the writing is terrible and immensely lacking; as such, it fails to deliver on any level.

Nothing, and I mean literally NOTHING, in the movie is explained. No reason or purpose is given for anything that the characters see, experience, or witness. That combined with the incredibly slow, plodding pace makes it extremely difficult to care about anything that happens. Various potentially interesting things and ideas are introduced, but nothing is done with them.

The viewer is left with a never-ending litany of questions, such as: What was the goal of the physicist? What was his machine supposed to do? What was happening to the "infected(?)"people and why was it happening? Why/how did a "particle accelerator" cause these things to happen? What was the point of the wasp? How did the wasp get affected by, uh, whatever was happening, and why did things happen to the guy who got stung? Why did the scientist guy wear a cultist robe in the one video and what was he even doing? Where did all the creatures come from and why? Why did the house "look older" as the woman pointed out? What was the thing on the wall and why was it there? Why did none of the characters ask any pertinent questions about anything that happened? The list goes on and on.

The dialogue is horrendously lacking. All manner of crazy stuff is going on, yet inexplicably no one bothers to talk about it. The characters are all absurdly, unrealistically stiff and stoic. The dialogue comes in two flavors: utterly pointless or frustratingly limited and vague. Examples:

*silence* "how are you doing" "fine" *silence*


"do you know what a particle accelerator does?" "what?" "it accelerates particles" *silence*

Apparently this was based on a book; did they just get a 1 page executive summary of the book? There had to be an enormous amount of stuff that was left out. I'm sure there were some kind of explanations for things given in the book, why did none of it make it into the movie?

Overall, The Breach is terrible and instantly forgettable. Other than some cool visuals it had next to nothing going for it. Without any kind of explanation(s) than nothing holds any meaning and it's impossible to get invested or care. It's not worth your time, which is a shame because it definitely could have been decent if they provided some exposition about...anything...that happened.
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