Best in genre
24 September 2023
In the 80s Arnold was laughed at as a near unstoppable god mowing down dozens of warriors or soldiers, often with two machines guns in tow.

The new age would chuckle at cute Arnie only defeating dozens. The new action age action film has an unstoppable hero (often with 0 muscles) barely breaking a sweat as they overcome hundreds of highly trained elite assassins, Seal teams or ninjas.

These movies have pushed the bounds to the point of absolute ridiculousness. Why not defeat 1000 elite assassins with a pen, a million KGB hit men while sleeping. To be honest, these movies are more boring than anything. 0 risk. 0 tension. 0 cares.

Wick is just this type of film. It is 3 hours of set piece killings of literally hundreds of men with relatively little danger to Wick. I was often bored at the, sometimes 20 minute, fight scenes watching a near statuesque Reeves be missed by thousands of bullets, while he effortlessly defeats armies. Why don't they see the 649 he has just killed and say, I'm not going to be 650. Why threaten him with death when he obviously can't be defeated - by anything.

So, why is this a good movie? Well, this is about the best film this genre can achieve. Artsy, beautiful, creative. Great characters, great tension. All untopable. You will not find a better modern action movie of the unstoppable ninja type. Period.

What is the plot? Who cares. Wick is on a revenge path - every human on earth wants him dead. Not even a challenge to our friend...

I never want to watch this style of over the top unstoppable trained ninja assassin movie again. No more raised by Soviet orphan girls killing more soldiers than war. No more retired CIA killers easily killing out countries of mafia hitmen. I don't want to see a 100 pound lady yawning as they kill a stadium full of ex blah blah blah.

Watch Wick 4. Nothing will compare. Never watch that type of film again.

Move on Hollywood. Maybe with the writers strike you need to make movies with 0 writing? But please end this branch of the action movie genre while on top.
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