Review of Men

Men (2022)
25 September 2023
Well. This is not what I was expecting when I picked this one up. Garland is a visionary, there's no getting around that. Having now seen three of his, I believe, five directed films there's no denying that he is an exceptionally gifted visual storyteller that likes to layer his work with allegory and metaphor. Both Ex Machine and Annihilation were very much enjoyed by me and as soon as I saw his name on this one, I was pretty much sold.

Then I watched it.

So, let's get to it. Once more, this film is a spellbinding feast for the eyes. Disturbingly so. The last act is just... I couldn't look away despite desperately wanting to at times. Along with those visuals, is a lingering tension, a curiosity to what is actually happening that drew me in and had me glued to the screen. The metaphor is... Haunting and uncomfortable. I was reminded of Gabe from The Office as he described cinema of the unsettling. So much of this is really unpleasant to look at, to see. I'm pretty sure that's what he's going for so... Yay? The acting is all top notch, no complaints here for either of the stars and huge props for the feat that was achieved for one of them.

Problem is... There's nothing else to this. I wanted an explanation, I wanted to understand, and while I'm fairly certain I get what Garland was going for, I could've used a little more reality amidst all of the abstract. That's not always a problem, I would consider Mother! A film built on metaphor without any real anchor in reality and I loved that. Men just doesn't quite get there for me. I was constantly wondering how all of this works. How she keeps seeing these people and never questioning the obvious. When the final act arrives and things get absolutely bonkers, I'm sitting there asking how, something I was prepared to look passed until it became obvious that this wasn't just some fever dream of our protagonist, not some nightmare scenario for her eyes only but a reality of the world. It tries to flirt with reality while living in insanity and it never quite struck the ideal balance for me. Is there just a pile of bodies in that house now? Theoretically someone else is eventually going to see that. What's the explanation for it?

As the credits rolled, I realized I had seen something wildly artistic but somehow lacking. A remarkable thing to behold, but not fulfilling. I don't even know if I can say I'm glad to have seen it. It exists. I watched it. I will remember having watched it. I don't think I'll want to watch it again. I don't know if I'm better for having seen it. But I watched it! I really don't think I'd recommend this to most people. It can be downright gruesome, disturbing and unsettling at times without a satisfactory payoff. If you're looking to see something different and unlike most other things out there? This is definitely going to fit that bill.
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