Ant Man 3
25 September 2023
Oh Marvel. I remember once when you were fun. You were appointment movie going. People clamored for the next movie and I would rush out to the theatre the first week to go and see it because I knew, I KNEW, that whatever you put on screen, it was going to be fun. It might not make me think too much, it might not evoke deep thought or emotion, but it'd be pure fun. Then came COVID and my faith was shaken. It's funny, because there was a line from Iron Man 2, "If you make God bleed, then people will no longer believe in him." Marvel, you're bleeding.

Quantomania is... Fine. There were moments that were funny, but beyond that this movie was utter nonsense. There were no stakes, no sense of what was going on, if anything mattered, it didn't even try to... WHY WERE THERE PEOPLE DOWN THERE?! The only real saving graces here were in the actors. Rudd is as charming and funny as ever. Douglas had some amazing moments that were just really fun. And Majors. Wow. Great great job. I have questions as to how his powers shifted throughout the movie, but that's not him. He gave that character some serious gravitas and interest.

For the time being, Marvel was still able to put enough fun in this movie to overwhelm all the stupid, but only just. Those margins are getting thinner and thinner. As someone who has loved these characters since childhood, long before the MCU was a thing, I really hope they sort themselves out because I would love to return to the days when these movies were just raw fun.
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