Devotion (II) (2022)
Majors Devotion
25 September 2023
Really only picked this one up because I saw Johnathan Majors on the cover. After watching it though, this is a pretty generic and mediocre war movie. The fact that it is really hitting hard on the race relations side of things also just didn't quite sit well with me. It felt less like someone trying to tell a story and more like someone giving a sermon and that always rubs me the wrong way. There's a whole section of this where the guys are in France dealing with racists and all I could think was... Were the French still dealing with that stuff then? Might be the ignorant American in me but I feel like France didn't have the same issues with black people at this time, at the very least not to this extent.

It really just feels like another in a long line of Hollywood's poor attempts to make up for a long history of racism. If they'd somehow integrated that more into the story, rather than the story just seeming to exist to facilitate the next lesson, this would've been a better movie. Especially because Majors is selling the ever loving bejesus out of this. But that's quite possibly just because he's great at what he does.
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