One of the most misunderstood and unappreciated animes
2 October 2023
I started watching this Im guessing for the same reason a majority of ppl begin watching it: the hikkimorri aspect. It sounds like an interesting angle for an anime series especially considering how many ppl in the anime community itself may in fact be hikinomorri's. Even though constantly mentioned through out the show we really never spend any time "hikkinikimorri'ing" around the apartment or whatever thats not what the show is about. Similar to The Sopranos this show mainly operates on the level of a comedy pure and simple. The sopranos may be about the mafia and everyone watching is tuning in to see ppl get whacked but thats really not what Tony and his gang are.. they're posers that cant even speak italian not ever even been to Italy operating a little gang in new jersey constantly getting into stupid situations trying to be something they're not.

Similarly in NHK every other line could be and should be taken from a comedic angle poking fun at anime tropes, the average shut-in into hentai, and common insecure thoughts present in most young mens minds. If this was converted into an american tv show it would be starring a young Ben Stiller as Tatsuo because every thing this awkward young man does is just hilarious. The convos with his nerdy neighbor, trying to hide his hentai porn mags but they always fall out of his hands and open in front of his mom/crush, and always thinking every inconvenience is a conspiracy against him. I suppose you could read into the show and take everything literally and think its about mental illness but its really not. His raging hormones and incorrect insecurities made him follow a clearly depressed woman on a boat to a deserted island with suicidal people before he even considered it was a bad idea. He just wants to stop hikkimori'ing!
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