High Noon (2009 TV Movie)
There is some authenticity in terms of procedures despite the feel of a Made for TV movie
11 October 2023
(2009) High Noon DRAMA/ ROMANCE

"HIGH NOON is one of four made-for-TV movies adapted from Nora Roberts romance novels for the Lifetime channel in 2009 (the other three are TRIBUTE,..." RT More of a serious drama than it is as a romance so ignore the Haliquin like poster. Not bad even with the dialogue constraints, about 'hostage negotiator', Lt. Phoebe McNamara (Emilie De Ravin) appeared being stalked by an old constituency during a previous job. Flipping through channels and upon reading the synopsis thought it had an interesting premise and upon seeing it I thought it was interesting to understand about proper protocol about what 'hostage negotiator's' do! Author Nora Ephron also received as one of the executive producer credits on this as well.
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