Awesome Family Entertainment!
15 October 2023
Just watched this lovely series from start to finish on DVD & I am almost embarrassed to say it made me cry. The beautiful location shoots, gorgeous animals & simple stories with the best moral messages I have ever seen on film, all rolled into one show. Grizzly Adams made me realise that life is a gift & we should not waste it. It also made me want to sling on my backpack (again!) & run off to live a simple, fulfilling life in the mountains! However it is almost a crime that this delightful show will never grace mainstream telivision today. This is so sad. The star of the show though is clearly Ben the Grizzly bear (in real life a female Grizzly called Bozo) who's bear acting skilled paved the way for Grizzly superstar "Bart the Bear" (Bart can be seen in the opening shots as he plays the cub rescued by Adams) who graced many excellent films.

Anyway onto some critique.

Most of the stories are very simple. Perhaps too simple to keep some people engaged. However it is the messages that these stories convery to the audience that make the difference. Grizzly Adams, Ben, Mad Jack, Nakoma & Number 7 teaches us lessons on the priceless values of having decent virtues & good, solid morality as well as friendship, trust, compromise, teamwork & a love & respect for nature & animals. Ofcourse Grizzly Adams does have it's faults, but it comes pretty close to being the perfect family entertainment show. But as lovely as it is this would never be shown on mainstram tv today. & even if it were the show would be accused of "white Saviousism" as Adams saves the life of a Native American Warrior (Nakoma) whithout looking at the fact that it is Nakoma who teaches Adams the life saving lessons of living in the wild & being a real mountain man. Adams would have never made it in the wild if it was not for Nakoma! & then there is the plain simple fact this show is simply "Too Nice" to be shown today.

If everyone today lived our lives with the lessons Grizzly Adams shares of freidship, teamwork, respect & compromise, this world would be a much better place...."Maybe..."
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