Review of Herd

Herd (III) (2023)
Personal drama.
15 October 2023
A zombie movie with no zombies.

An outbreak horror with very little outbreak.

A dangerous trip without a road.

I don't know if this movie is misleading, but it sure is different than whatever one might expect.

I can't say I had any fun with it, especially because I was expecting a horror. Not necessarily gore, blood, torture and bad make-up and effects, but certainly more than this.

Herd is all about a couple's personal drama that just happens to coincide with an outbreak, one that we learn more from the TV inside the movie, than the plot itself.

Anyway, for a soap opera episode, Herd could do alright. But for a zombie movie, really not.

It's bland, plain and annoyingly slow and boring.

One of those movies that make you question why did you press Play.

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