Wilderness (2023)
Some Interesting Plot Twists
23 October 2023
I dont understand all the negative reviews. I've seen worse mysteries. The acting was good. The storyline was engaging & took some turns you dont always see in this genre. I like that each episode had a surprise end which made you want to watch the next episode because you just had to find out what happened. The depiction of what happens to a marriage when trust is broken was very realistic. I found it very believable as to how Liv keeps getting drawn in, as that IS what happens when you really love someone. However, there were some plot flaws. The red jacket for one. Police would have found that right away. The script for Will was very boring. He says the same apology over & over again. Poor writing on that one. The ending was cringe worthy. But that's what a " thriller" is supposed to do.
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