South Park does a brilliant job once again.
1 November 2023
I loved this episode of South Park! Using the cartoon to address the issue that is currently afflicting the whole movie industry was brilliant! I really hope Disney watches this with an open mind and brings attention to the way it writes and produces it's movies and shows. It will not only save their streaming service but also their loss at the box office. Too much diversity everywhere all at once all hero characters dead or remade to a woman is not a good thing. It only makes it boring and overwhelming to the audience. All lead characters are not all powerful women for a reason because they don't all fit the story narrative if they were. It's like making a vanilla milkshake with sprinkles on top and then deciding hey this would be better with some caramel, chocolate, and more sprinkles mixed in. So you just keep pumping caramel, chocolate and more sprinkles before long you don't even have a milkshake you have a glass of goo noone can eat because it's too rich and full of sprinkles. There should definitely be powerful, diverse, women leads! But how about you quit being lazy and robbing characters that already exist of their identities and create characters that can grow, adapt, and actually gain a large, money paying fan bases. Get rid of all this make believe multi-verse stuff. It's ruining movies and confusing the average fan. If science actually comes out and shows us a multiverse exists and we can see and touch it I'll start believing this garbage. Until then it's just an easy way to make more movies forcing character changes you want and stories fans don't. Disney you have a responsibility to the fans, you flexed your money muscles and purchased almost everything great in film. Now have the dignity to pull yourselves out of the hole and fix the issues you have created. It's like you bought all the most exotic predators on the planet that everyone loves to see in the zoo and only fed them vegetables. Now they are dying because you wanted them to be vegan sooo bad but they are meat eaters. Come on Disney you can do this.......and if you can't sell the properties to someone that cares enough who can. They are not just movies to the fans they are our escape from the real world that isn't fun all the time. It's our escape from the broken water heater, the medical bill from cancer treatment, the loss of a loved one, the customer that cussed us out at our job, the foreclosure on our house because our job left town, the divorce we are going through, and so many other things that plague our lives. You literally hold more Disney Magic in your hands than ever before. What would Walt do?

Cheers to South Park you guys nailed it!
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